Friday, February 8, 2013

Cinnamon Cheesecake Pancakes

On Jon's day off this week I wanted to make my man something delicious for breakfast. I had seen a picture on pinterest of some cinnamon pancakes, and I decided to make my own variation. My cinnamon topping did not look quite like the swirly pancake on pinterest, but gosh was it delicious.  In between the pancakes I wanted to make a filling that I usually add to one of my cheesecakes. I could just picture the creamy cheesecake filling oozing out from between the yummy cinnamon pancakes covered in syrupy icing.... I just had to try it.

Pancakes: *

3/4 cup milk 
2 tablespoons vinegar
1 cup four
 a bit of half and half - appx 2 tablespoons
2 tablespoons sugar  
1 teaspoon baking powder 
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
a pinch of salt 
1 egg

1. Combine the milk and vinegar and let them sit for about 5 minutes - makes a great buttermilk substitute.
2. Combine the rest of the ingredients and make pancakes as usual.

Cinnamon Pancake Topping: *

3/4 stick of butter
a bunch of cinnamon
enough white sugar to make the mixture thick
1 or 2 tablespoons brown sugar

1. Combine all ingredients to make a thick, but not clumpy, mixture.
2. While the first side of the pancake is cooking, add the cinnamon mixture to the still raw pancake top. Continue cooking as you would normally cook a pancake.

Cheesecake filling: *

3/4 bar of cream cheese
1/2-3/4 cup white sugar
1 tablespoon vanilla.

1. Combine these ingredients.

Icing: *

Powdered Sugar
Half and Half

1. combine enough of these ingredients to make a lovely creamy icing.

When the pancakes are done cooking spread the cheesecake mixture between the pancakes. I stacked mine 3 pancakes high. Drizzle with icing, and enjoy the most delicious pancakes ever!

* in all of the recipes, the quantity of ingredients is approximate. I usually just add what looks right, and adjust from there.

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